  A Valon Hill > Diplomacy

A Game of International Instigue, Trust, And Treachery

Release Date 15 Jan 2011
Price: NZ$60.00

Ship twice a day

315 playing pieces

84 Fleets
84 armies
147 Control Markers
Game board
Map Pad

Keep Your Enemy Close

At the turn of the 20th century, prior to World war I, the seven Great European Powers are engaged in an intricate struggle for supremacy. Each power's military forces invade and withdraw, shifting borders and altering empires with subtle maneuvers and gamebits.

Alliances are formed and trust is betrayed as players negotiate and outwit one another - in a delicate balance of cooperation and competition - to gain dominance of the continent. Diplomacy challenges players to rely on their own cunning and cleverness, not dice, to determine the outcome of this game of conspiracies and conquest.