Chilling Reign Prereleases
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Chilling Reign Prerelease #3 on 12th June
In Stock 10+, Ship twice a day
Price NZ$50.00
Chilling Reign Prereleases
[Important] From Pokemon, we learn we are able to run prereleases from 5th June - 13th June. We are not sure if the prerelease kits will be delivered on time. Here is the plan, will get you updated.

Prerelease #1:
Date: 5th May Sat, from 11am
Prerelease #2:
Date: 6th May Sun, from 11am
Prerelease #3:
Date: 12th May Sat, from 11am

Entry fee: $50
A player will receive a Build & Battle kit and make a deck out of it to compete.
each player will receive 2 booster packs by end of pre-release; top finishers will receive more. Seats are limited. If you do not plan to play through the prerelease or plan to drop after round 1, you may need talk to me (Fred) first.
